Satellite Technology (RCM)

The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM), Canada’s Earth observation satellites launched on June 12, 2019 are three identical satellites working together bringing valuable data to enhance our view’s and understanding of Canada. Since the launch one year ago aboard the SpaceX Falcon9 rocket, the trio of identical satellites take daily scans of Canada and its waters. There are many different departments of the federal government that utilize the important data provided by the satellites, but RCM’s three main areas they are designed to provide data on are:

Maritime surveillance
(ice, surface wind, oil pollution and ship monitoring)

Disaster management
(mitigation, warning, response and recovery)

Ecosystem monitoring
(agriculture, wetlands, forestry and coastal change monitoring)

To learn more about the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM), visit the Canadian Space Agency  CSA  / ASC

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