Lunar Gateway and Canadarm3

graphic illustration depiction of planet

We are heading back to the moon and Canada is giving a hand! Well, actually its a robotic arm and it will be able to perform highly autonomous tasks on its own without the help of any humans. NASA’s led Lunar Gateway with the International Space Station (ISS) and the new Canadarm3 we will have the ability to send humans into space further than before. The ‘Gateway’ will be about one-fifth of the size of the ISS, used as a mission control centre and rendezvous position for exploration of the Moon. It will also be used as a science laboratory, testing new technologies and one day serve as support to venture further onto Mars exploration. Canada’s next generation robotic system will be to;

• maintain, repair and inspect the Gateway

• capture visiting vehicles

• relocate Gateway modules

• help astronauts during spacewalks

• enable science both in lunar orbit and on the surface of the Moon

The Canadian Space Agency CSA / ASC is working with all partners on development planning and determining when the Canadarm3 will be required sometime in the mid 20’s.

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