Dream, Create and Invent ⚡⚡

I’ve always been a creative person, even when I was young I liked to dream, create and invent.  Music was high on the list as an outlet, not only create but to express my thoughts and the eternal world around me in a way that I could describe to others about what I felt and seen. Art was in my blood from a young age as well, my fist memorable art project from when I very young, it was created out of scrap wood from a garage that was being built. It was a one of my most favourite design, unfortunately it was misplaced along the travels of life somewhere. It was a wooden sculpture of a boat-abstract made from five or six diamond shaped pieces of scrap wood. Two or thee where on the base creating a step up like structure and three pieces where standing up perpendicular with the centre slightly lower and shifted back from the two sides of the diamond shaped wooden pieces. Today, art has become very important to me, as it continues to create an outlet for myself that helps strengthen and feel at peace with the world and nature as I move forward with time. ⚙️🖍️🌷

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