Translating emotion and energy


The images and art I create have become more predominant in my life as time moves forward.  When I draw from inspiration, I don’t usually reflect what I see with my eye, but more of what a combination of my senses are telling me, and recreate an image from thoughts.  The world is busy and filled with images and voices from all around the globe, staying focused on the subject and inspiration from which I draw from helps guide my mind.  This is why I has said that the images I recreate are kinda like a story or image journal.  I have also said that the art and images I create are like a puzzle, there is meaning behind what I portray.  If you were to stumble across my work, it would look like what it looks like, but if you were to look deeper into the images while listening to the chaos, you could learn to fine-tune the channel (metaphorically speaking) and understand the dialog chronicled.  In comparison, it is much like song writing, the words behind what a lyricist writes may not directly translate to what is being said, but through emotion and energy that an artist uses to channel a message, the story can be heard. 🎼🎨🖌️📷🎥🧠


Digital art emulating painting, pencil sketch and photography gallery.


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