

For me, the connection to art helps quiet my mind and sets me free when the spin of the world speeds up time. There’s no place like your minds expressiveness, to create the realization of your thoughts and aspirations to reality.

The art community is very vibrant, I always take pride with the images I project out to the community. Words I use to describe feelings, words I choose to reflect my thoughts, and words I use to emphasize what projections I immerse myself in. Technology has picked up the world in a great hurry, and flung it across the sea with a loud echo that can be heard across the great expanse and beyond. Sometimes I see things that scare me and I need to 💘, sometime I see the beauty within the theory of chaos 🖤, and sometimes… I just wish we were there already 💔. In my reflection, art has been the tie that creates a bond, that wynds the weave of a dream yet to be woven ❤️

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