Blog and Poem Midnight Reign

I never knew what direction creativity of imagination would lead to. Its like a wind in wonderland, experiencing things as the first again. The fleeting of new voices, a choice of color or word, & the timeless thought of an unseen destination of the most bluest of seas. 🧭

Sometimes after I absorb the days events, my mind is full of thoughts. Unwinding my consciousness to form an abstraction I can project out to the world as an echo, helps keep my vision focused on the ‘essence’ of my soul. 💭

Resonating deep emotion manifests from the innate narratives of life experience. Conveying dynamic thoughts, can be like the act from a ballet, remembering where you start, will better reinforce perception into creativity. ✨
Poems Read by Remo Crudo on Youtube

The midnight reign, falls with leafs, and desires.
From which the sun has set, now moon shines bright, and the night inspires.

Writing free words, arts, looks and admires.
Radiance holds no bounds, beats fast, cast shadows, sings loud as choirs!

Heart so bold, bleeds of love, and such a beautiful soul.
Crying hallelujah, with passion, perception, and sensation I adore.

Midnight Reign, by Remo Crudo

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