Soul of Essence

Soul of Essence

✨ For this studio photography project I chose a Selenite Crystals Gemstone Sphere. This protect was more difficult to achieve for the result I was looking for than I anticipated. I started with a similar lighting and set concept as the alluring ‘Dramatic FX’ studio photos. This project took twice the time and twice the set design. For this set, I had re-made the back-drop and tried using a dark navy blue, to emulate the darkness of space. However, I did not chose any of the dark navy blue for the final posting set. I spent approximately two hour on the first photo-shoot, but I could not get the same bright sparkle result as I did with the ‘Dramatic FX’ studio photo-set. I started noticing that there was too much lighting reflected back into the camera. This is when I realized that the ‘ Selenite Crystals Gemstone’ was very reflective, and causing a light imbalance for the camera. It was either have a bright object and dull background vs bright background and dark object. 🤦 Oh no, now what. Back to the studio I went. When I did the second photo-shoot, I changed two things. One, was the way I used lighting and the other was changing the orientation adding a horizon like with the ‘Dramatic FX’ photos . I used a different set of lights that where brighter, but placed them further away and in different angles to achieve different looks and feels. I also has a shadowing issue, but tried many, many angles to over come this. Trying to create an image so inspiring and beautiful as the universe is difficult. However, I was much more pleased with the look and feel of the second photo-shoot. My goal was to capture the essence or soul of the universe. Hope I came close, the experience is spiritual uplifting one

This Selenite Crystals Gemstone Sphere also makes a great gift. If your of a spiritual belief, you may find this healing crystal to help with calming of the mind, cleansing negative energy and removing energy blockage from the past to create a fluid flow of energy throughout the body. It has also been said that Selenite, is a very high vibration Crystal flooding your energy field with the highest vibrations of light ≈🪨


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