Project Lina and blog


I always felt a little different than some of my peers growing up, I never really understood the feeling. I perceived the world around me in differently, I heard what my peers talked about, but did not understand why they spoke in the manner they did. At times they would reiterate conversations I have spoke with or discovered from others, but did not understand the connection. This behavior often left me feeling anxious or apprehensive. Over time, I experienced a pivotal point in life, my perception of moments I perceived from the past suddenly shifted. My mind was awakened to an actuality I found hard to understand or even accept. As I reached out to peers during this time, I eventually found one commonality within. Like a shock to the system, accepting this experience took mental fortitude of monumental proportions. While theses experiences skewed my perception greatly, the feeling within remain unchanging, and the open discussion of past view points inviting.

As life experiences are assimilated into thought, I at times waken to a complex vision that is not readily transparent. I found maintaining parallel to my innervoice helps interpret cognitive abstractions into something tangible that I manifest as my medium. The aura that encompass all forms of matter and energy, are forever transforming the landscape of perception that warp cognizance and necessitate equilibrium. I portray and illuminate the variability I encounter to a collective community that wish to echo parallel to mine.

🎄 ~ ~ ~ ~ 🖨️ ~ ~ ~ ~ 🎄

For this years holiday studio photography project, I was thinking about something different. I have often alluded to the ballet in my words. I use the reference as a way of suggesting equilibrium, I also allude to it metaphorically, kind of like a chess match. Moving one piece changes the outcome or the next step taken, and understanding that outcome, will better prepare you. Using the grace of ballet will teach your mind to know the next step ahead, without the use of your eyes. So I chose the sculpture / figurine of the ballerina

I used some of the same foil sparkle background as in the past, however this time I created a larger space between the background and the platform of which the figurine stood. As I was experimenting with lighting, I once again struggled with light verse shade. So I tried to use the brighter set of lights, however that was to bright. I then realized that I could place the bright lighting on the floor in between the stand and the background on the wall. I also realized that I could slide the lighting loop under the stand, being able to control the amount of light reflecting in the photograph. This gave the photograph a really sharp horizon effect. I continued to maneuver the lighting around the figurine, and adjusted the floor/horizon lights, resulting in this latest studio photo set named “LINA”. ⚔️❤️

🖼️ ~ Lina ~ Gallery

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