Artwork and Poem

Midnight Sun
Island View
~ Island View ~

~ Midnight Sun composite  ~

Midnight Sun” was a composite of art work. The Selenite Crystals Sphere was placed on the top of a cardboard roll, (eg from plastic wrap) then led Christmas lighting was inserted inside the tube. 📷 This greatly reduced the glare from the polished Sphere, as the light passed through the object, giving it a good contrast. 🎨 It then was imported into a Linux image program, and I created the space and ring portions, as I have done with all my “emulated digital art paintings”. 😊



~ ~ ~ ~ Poem ~ ~ ~ ~
~ Ode To The Letters, I Compose ~


Ode To The Letters I Compose
Ode To The Letters I Compose


~ Ode To The Letters, I Compose ~

Words of wizardry, dreams of passion–
love writes poems-
  with perfect fashion.

In hours of the night, be-still one angel–
for love runs deep-  in poems that we keep.

Finding true spirit-  in souls-  endearment–
–in these letters I compose–
true spirit–  forever grows.

📜🖋️ Poem by Remo Crudo


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