Azurae photo project


✍️ As like many of the low-light photo projects, getting the lighting to illuminate and reflect so as it would capture the essence of the subject is key. The gemstone prop I used for this project, had little transparency or luminescent properties. The lighting used, was in the visible spectrum; infrared, ultraviolet (blacklight) or greenscreen was not utilized in this project. I particularity liked the photo with the deep red background, and intense blue, to an almost turquoise like glow that illuminates the subject. 📷 The subject photographed is a zaicus sodalite diamond cut ball. It has been said that the natural vibrations of this gemstone bring clarity and mental fortitude to the mind, as well as develops intuition from within. This stone is has been referred to as a logic stone, do to its metaphysical properties.  ➖

✨👀 as I’ve intertwined myself with art and creativity, the desire to thrive creatively has been a growing aspiration. Using abstractions to express the world of which we live with an eye of an artist, can bring new perspective into reality. Sometimes just seeing the work of an artist sets my mind free from the finite, and I’m able to visualize the infinite  🤍🖼




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